Friday, June 20, 2008

Change idea #5 -- Legalize industrial hemp

Industrial hemp is a cousin to cannabis and can only be grown in this country if there is 24-hour security and many other needless regulations.

Our drug police cannot tell the difference.

Industrial hemp grows where other crops will not grow.

In America we have many areas that fall into that category, nothing will grow there.

But Industrial hemp will grow there and is a cash crop that could put the owners of those lands into profitability.

From what I have read, Hemp is used in many products and we cannot import as much as is needed.

Politicians will not support a change in the law because they do not want to be labeled as a drug pusher.

Let's change this because it's the right thing to do and not keep our heads in the sand because of fear.


Tommykey said...

Hey, I'm with you on that one!

Stardust said...

Did anyone happen to see the documentary about the Native Americans growing hemp on their reservations to make a living and the federal government keeps coming in and digging up their crop? They sell it to make various clothing products and other things. They aren't hurting anyone, found a way to make a living to feed their family and then get screwed's so ridiculous.

outofcontrol said...

Yes we can get Native Indians off of the welfare rolls and out of the Casinos. We gave them the worst land to live on the least we can do is give them a way to make a living off of it.